DEFINITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT 1. A genetic upgrade. Development is the unfolding of the full genetic potential of a person or creature. It involves 'turning on' a set of genes that is normally
inactive in most people. This genetic upgrade strengthens and extends the life of the body and helps one to have special abilities.
The genes that need to be activated are found mainly in the 97.5% of our DNA that has not been decoded at this time. This part of our DNA is often arrogantly called
“non-coding” or “junk DNA”. This just means that scientists have not figured out what it is for.
2. The expansion, brightening and increase in complexity of the subtle energy field around a person. For details about the energy field, read The Human Energy Field.
3. A state of high-level wellness. Development is an extension of the natural healing concept of wellness. The wellness concept is that one can achieve a level of
health that is more than just the absence of disease or symptoms. For details, read Wellness.
4. The way to become a master of life, meaning more of a cause and less of an effect of life circumstances.
5. The way to convert the body from a purely physical one to a more imperishable energetic or spiritual being.
Largely a nutritional and biochemical process. Development mainly requires very excellent nutrition in order to “turn on” or activate special genes.
A precise and very long physiological process. Development occurs in a precise way with definite stages. It continues for many years with ever-increasing benefits for
a person’s health and longevity.
The birthright of every person. Development is your birthright and should not be something extraordinary. However, today it rarely occurs to any significant degree
because most people’s bodies are nutritionally very deficient and toxic.
Just following a “good diet”, taking nutritional supplements and embarking upon a healing program is not sufficient to cause development. Instead, one needs to follow
a healing program designed for development.
Fulfilling your complete potential. By activating the full genetic potential of the body, development alone allows the complete fulfillment of the human potential.
A way to spread much more love into this world. As one’s energy field grows in brightness and complexity, one automatically radiates more love into the world.
It sounds mysterious, but it is not. Development sounds mysterious only because it is not taught much to the public. It has been taught for thousands of years in
certain monasteries and convents. We are honored to be able to teach it widely.
Development is ancient knowledge. For example, the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible discuss many of the principles of development, though they do not call it
development. For details, read The Bible And Development.
A path means that development needs to be a lifestyle and a goal that one keeps in mind at all times. In the ancient Tibetan literature, development is called the
golden path. This is because one’s energy field turns a beautiful gold color at a certain point during early development.
Some of our Christian clients call the development program their expanded walk with Christ.
In some other traditions, development is called the straight and narrow path. This is an appropriate term because this path has certain definite requirements.
The bushmen of the Kalahari desert in Africa call development the path of return. The reason is that on this path one returns to one’s past and clears all illnesses,
traumas and mistaken perceptions. On this website, this process is called retracing.
For more details about paths, read The Path Concept and The Stages Of Following A Development Program.
Development offers benefits that no other method or path offers. These include:
- a much tougher, stronger body
- greatly improved health
- tremendous improvement in brain activity leading to better thinking, a better memory, and new abilities
- a longer and happier life
- receiving more help and protection from advanced beings
- greater safety
Development is not the same as maturity. Development, as we define it in this article, is mainly a physical and biochemical process. Maturity is a psychological process. Both are very important.
Some people are quite mature, but they are not developed, as we define development. Other people are developed, but are emotionally or otherwise immature.
Women tend to develop more slowly than men. We now believe this is mainly because women suffer more trauma than men.
This does not mean that the average man is more developed than the average woman. This is not true. Both are quite undeveloped.
A few people are born slightly developed. Otherwise, in our experience, the only people who develop to any significant degree, whether men or women, are those that
carefully follow the development program described in this and other articles on our website.
1. Timing. Everyone develops at their own pace, so do not compare yourself with others. Many factors influence how fast you will develop, including:
a. How ill you are. This is not easy to assess, since many health conditions are hidden or sub-clinical. Common hidden conditions are chronic infections and metal and
chemical toxicity.
b. How well you adhere to the development program. The most important parts of the program for most people are the development diet, lots of rest, doing coffee
and the pulling down exercise.
However, other aspects of the development program may also be very important to speed up development. Spending an hour or, better yet, two hours daily or more with
the pulling down exercise is critical.
The pulling down procedure. The goal of the pulling down exercise is to bring in a maximum amount of new etheric energy into the body. This regenerates the body,
extends life and improves health.
c. How much rest and relaxation you obtain.
d. Your stress level and occupation.
e. Your living situation. For example, in some cases, a good marriage can speed up development by providing emotional, mental and other support. In other cases,
living alone is better because, one wastes less time
socializing, and one is not in the energy field of another
person most of the time.
f. Other factors. These include the toxicity level of the body, genetic factors, and one’s personality and emotions.
2. The will. Development involves strengthening the will.
3. Self-discipline. Development involves some self-discipline, which one learns along the way by following a development program.
I have arranged these requirements according to the 7 system. This is a scientific method of organizing knowledge that is based upon the seven main energy centers of
the human body.
The development diet. This is high in alkaline reserve minerals from cooked, not raw vegetables with some animal protein, almond butter, sesame tahini, a little goat
cheese and no fruit or raw vegetables.
Nutritional supplements. About eight rather simple nutritional supplements are also needed by adults, and fewer for children. These include omega-3 fatty acids,
vitamin D, trimethylglycine, kelp, calcium, magnesium, zinc and a digestive aid with ox bile and pancreatin. Taking most other supplements or herbs interferes with
the program. This may be because most of them are quite cold or yin in macrobiotic terminology.
Plenty of rest. Eight to ten hours of sleep daily is also important. Naps are also fine, when needed.
The detoxification and healing procedures. These are not always required, but they help and many people require them. These include the Neck Pull, Coffee Enemas, The
Spinal Twists, foot Reflexology, Single Lamp Near Field Therapy or Red Heat Lamp Near Field Sauna Therapy.
Some self-discipline is definitely needed to follow the program.
Healthful relationships assist development. Poor quality or abusive relationships slow down development.
The type of work one does can either assist or slow down development. One's work should truly help others in some way and should use your mental and/or physical
abilities in a positive way.
Understanding the development program is very helpful. So is having correct attitudes.
- Learn to love yourself very much at all times. This is very important.
- Forgive yourself and everyone else for everything that has ever occurred in your life. Forgive and forgive more.
- Avoid negative thinking. This includes victim thinking, which is a killer. It also includes wishing evil on anyone and holding on to resentments and hatred for
anyone or anything. These block development.
- Proper goals. Focus your attention and energy first on development, and delay other goals and pleasures for a while.
- Life is not only physical. Think often about God and the non-physical aspects of life.
- The pulling down mental exercise greatly speeds up development. It is best to do this at least one hour daily and preferably two or three hours daily. It is a
simple exercise, but very necessary.
It does not require traveling somewhere, attending special classes or joining any religious or spiritual group. In fact, many spiritual groups get in the way of
development. Many teach outdated or wrong information.
It is not spiritualism. This is an old science in which one tunes into dead people or spirits without bodies to gain access to information or power. We do not
recommend this!
It is not about the development of psychic powers or mediumship. Many people believe that development is about developing one’s “powers”. This is not true.
During development, unusual phenomena occasionally appear. However, these are never the goal and are purely incidental. If they ever become the objective, then one
has lost sight of real development.
Development occurs in stages. It is a long process during which illnesses and injuries slowly heal. For details, read The Stages Of Development.
In my experience of 42 years, the development method is one of the safest ways to restore and maintain one’s health. Reasons for this include:
1. Development is based on following a healthful lifestyle and an excellent quality diet.
2. The development program always balances the body. This is safer than the use of most remedies.
3. Development involves a lot of rest and sleep. This tends to reduce injuries from accidents that often occur when people are overtired.
Western development literature. The Old Testament of the Bible, in Genesis 1:27 says, “God made man in his own image”. One possible meaning of this statement is
that just as God is developed, and so, too, can a human being develop.
Hebrew patriarchs. Many of the Hebrew patriarchs such as Abraham, Sarah, Enoch and Ezekiel were developed. Their lives are described in the Old Testament of the
Bible and in other Hebrew texts. They lived long lives and had unusual abilities. For example, Sarah gave birth at the age of 90 and Methuselah lived to age 900.
Jesus. Jesus demonstrated abilities that come with advanced development. He also taught some of the principles of rapid development, such as living a clean life,
sexual restraint, being honest, and more. He is often pictured with a halo around his head, a mark of development.
The saints. A number of Catholic saints experienced advanced development. Among the best known is Padre Pio. Fairly recent visitations by Mother Mary in Europe in
which she appears inside a bubble of light (the merkaba) also indicates development.
Another developed man known in the West was Nickolaos of Myra. Today, he is immortalized in the legend of Santa Claus. He was and is a very interesting man. For more details about him, read Nicholaos of Myra.
Christian television often discusses topics related to development such as becoming more honest, forgiving, more loving and more.
Another, non-Christian book that touches on the subject of development is Initiation by Elizabeth Haich (1994).
Development literature among native cultures. A fairly recent book that describes some aspects of development is The Mutant Message From Down Under by Marlo Morgan. It is a story about an American woman who spends time living with the Australian Aborigines.
Oriental books about development. The Tibetan culture, in particular, has taught older methods of development in their monasteries for many years. However, most of
the teaching has been kept secret and not taught in public.
Books about Oriental methods of development include:
- The Life And Teaching Of The Masters Of The Far East by Baird T. Spaulding.
- Living With The Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama.
- All 20 or so books by Lobsang Rampa.
- Older yoga literature such as the 8-fold path also involve development.
- Gautama Buddha was also a developed man and taught many people some aspects of development. The founders of most religions were at least somewhat developed.
Older methods not working well today. While the above are all interesting, most of the older methods of development do not work well today. This may be due to:
- changes in our diets and food supply
- ionizing radiation everywhere on the planet thanks to nuclear power plants and A-bomb tests
- pollution with metals and chemicals
- horrifying amounts of electromagnetic stress or EMF smog from cell phones, computers, television sets and other devices that emit harmful electromagnetic fields.
The development method recommended on this website is tailored to people living in the toxic 21st century. I our experience, it works much better than many older
methods. It is also designed to be done at home because it is not possible for most people to live in monasteries or convents.
Definition. Merkaba is a Hebrew word found 44 times in the Old Testament of the Bible. It means a chariot or vehicle. It can be translated as vehicle of light. The
word is pronounced MERKaba, with emphasis on the first syllable.
The growth of the merkaba is a prominent feature of development. The merkaba begins to grow early in development and continues to add layers or thickness for many
years. It is protective, helps regenerate the body and brain, and has many other benefits, as well.
This is a more technical aspect of development. Five major energetic changes that occur with development are:
1. Opening and growth of the Seven Physical Energy Centers.
2. Growth and filling of the five upper Energy Fields or so-called Subtle Bodies.
3. Establishment and growth of The Merkaba.
4. Establishment and growth of The Plumes.
5. Development of the Monad. This is more advanced and requires at least following the development program for at least 20 years or longer.
You are not just a body. You are much more. You are not just someone’s child, mate, parent, employee or employer. Development is about the growth of something
entirely more wonderful.
Humanity is not familiar with development, so don’t try to force it on friends or family. Trying to get others to understand development can be extremely frustrating
and a waste of energy. Development is a new idea to most people, so most will not be interested, at least at first.
The world is more than it seems. The world has a lot of horror, deception and other problems. You can choose to be caught up in this aspect of the world.
However, another option is to choose to become caught up with development – the most wondrous and thoroughly amazing aspect of being human. Start now, and do your best to enjoy the ride.
Development takes time, so start now. Old ways of eating and living need to change, so start to make these changes as soon as possible. By far, the most difficult
aspect of the adventure is getting started.
It is like sending a rocket to the moon. The hardest part of the journey is getting away from the gravity or inertia of the earth.
In the same way, getting started with development takes some work. Then it gets easier and easier as you learn new habits.
At times, relationships, habits, jobs and every other aspect of life-as-usual will need to change or development will cease.
Help is available to anyone who wishes to develop himself or herself. Everyone can receive quite specific guidance to help with development. This is your birthright.
Just because you live alone or work alone, or seem to be in the company of people who do not share your beliefs, it is never true that you are alone. You are always
in the company of hidden helpers in this adventure.
Development is an adventure – the ultimate adventure.
Development is the highest calling and highest possibility of a human being, and nothing less.
Development should never be viewed as a chore or requirement for health, or any such thing. It is the adventure of a lifetime!
It will eventually surpass every other type of adventure you can imagine, in terms of the joy it causes, the abilities it can bring, the health it can produce, and
the insights and wisdom that comes with it.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. Article Written By - Lawrence Wilson, MD