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Do You Have Bio-Unavailable Calcium and Magnesium?

Causes For Bio-Unavailable Calcium and Magnesium The most common cause for bio-unavailable calcium and magnesium is slow oxidation which is weakened adrenal and thyroid activity. With weakened adrenal and thyroid activity there are reduced levels of sodium and potassium which will occur in the serum but then eventually in the tissue of the body.

The result of this happening is that calcium and magnesium are not absorbed enough in soluble form in the blood. Sodium and potassium are very important as they are the body’s “solvent minerals” and are needed to maintain calcium and magnesium in solution. Under these circumstances when levels of sodium and potassium decrease, some calcium and magnesium cannot be maintained in an ionized or soluble form.

When this happens calcium and magnesium will find its way out of the blood and accumulate in the tissue and even the hair. It will also accumulate in the arteries, joints, kidneys, brain and other places. This is a very clear sign of premature aging. Unfortunately, we see this all too many times through hair analysis and mineral profiles. It often begins when a child is just a teenager or sometimes even earlier.


Bio-unavailable calcium and magnesium can cause and unusual mix of symptoms of for this deficiency, mixed with symptoms of mineral excess as well. The deficiency of these two minerals can cause symptoms which may include muscle tightness, irritability, nervousness, muscle cramps, osteopenia, osteoporosis, anxiety, and others.

Symptoms of calcium and magnesium excess include fatigue, depression, weakness, arthritis, tendonitis, high blood pressure, hardened arteries, memory loss, and other symptoms as these minerals build up in the tissues where they will cause damage over time.


Low levels of calcium can cause extreme fatigue, which involves a lack of energy and an overall feeling of sluggishness. It can also lead to insomnia.

Fatigue associated with a calcium deficiency can also involve lightheadedness, dizziness, and brain fog — characterized by a lack of focus, forgetfulness, and confusion.


A lasting calcium deficiency can cause:

· dry skin

· dry, broken, or brittle nails

· coarse hair

· alopecia, which causes hair to fall out in patches

· eczema, or skin inflammation that can lead to itchy or dry patches

· psoriasis


The bones store calcium and magnesium well, but they require high levels to stay strong. When overall levels of calcium and magnesium are low, the body can divert some from the bones, making them brittle and prone to injury.

Over time, having too little calcium and magnesium can cause osteopenia, a reduction of mineral density in the bones. This can lead to osteoporosis, which causes the bones to thin and become vulnerable to fractures, as well as pain and problems with posture.

It can take takes years for osteoporosis and other complications of a calcium deficiency to develop.


Low calcium levels have been linked to severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Participants in one 2017 study Trusted Source reported improved mood and reduced rates of fluid retention after taking 500 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily for 2 months.

In 2019Trusted Source, researchers concluded that low levels of vitamin D and calcium during the second half of the menstrual cycle might contribute to symptoms of PMS. The team proposed that supplements may help relieve the symptoms.


One way to correct bio-unavailable calcium and magnesium is to balance the oxidation rate which is to make the thyroid and adrenals healthier. Healthier means to have these glands become more active or in simpler terms to become faster. When this happens the oxidation rate becomes faster and the body will burn minerals quicker. As this process occurs the body will not deposit calcium and magnesium into the tissues and will utilize these minerals and absorb them more efficiently. With our clients we use a specialized hair test from Analytical Research Labs in Phoenix Arizona which shows a mineral profile and how the thyroid and adrenals are functioning. Are the thyroid and adrenals underactive? If so certain mineral supplements and diet are needed for correction.

We hope this article was helpful.

For a Free Phone Consultation call 800-381-2898 or All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. Article by - Dr. Wilson, MD (graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT)


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