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"Where Modern Science Meets Ancient Remedy"

9 min read
Hair Mineral Analysis Introduction
Hair tissue mineral analysis or HTMA is a soft tissue mineral biopsy that uses hair as the sampling tissue. A biopsy is an analysis of a...

6 min read
The Fallacy Of Taking Random Supplements
Healthview interview with Dr. Paul Eck (Founder of Analytical Research Labs) Healthview: We can see from our conversations that you...

11 min read
The Oxidation Types
Metabolic typing is a very central concept in nutritional balancing science. However, metabolic typing is not familiar to most people...

10 min read
How To Increase Your Energy
A wish for more energy is one of the most common complaints to doctors. Yet, the medical community has very little to offer when it comes...

3 min read
How Your Body Produces Its Energy
How the Thyroid and Adrenals Produce Your Energy The thyroid gland and the adrenal glands are the main energy producing glands in the...

4 min read
What is Meant by Oxidation Type
Throughout this article I will refer to various individuals as “slow oxidizers”, or “fast oxidizers”, etc… This is just a way of...
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